"The journey is what brings us happiness, not the destination." Peaceful Warrior/Dan Millman

Sunday, July 18, 2010


I will start my swim across the English Channel, England to France today, Monday the 19th at 6AM UK time.

San Francisco time 10PM of July 18th.

Sao Paulo, Brazil 2AM of July 19th.

Follow below the GPS link so you can track me during the swim. It will be activated at 6AM and it will be reporting my position every 20 minutes.


I just want say a huge THANKS to all of you who helped me get here.

Dear family and friends and beloved South End Rowing Club: I LOVE YOU!

Sunday July 18th, My Swim Window is open!

Yesterday, Saturday July 17Th, I called the boat pilot, Reg Brickell and he told me that Monday, July 19Th might be a good day. In my opinion the swim should not happen untill Tuesday. No worries and no rush.!We are having a great time here. I am swimming everyday and my special crew is making my stay very special. I am very lucky to have my wife Kim Howard, my British friend; Gary Bruce and my father Edison Peinado taking care of me. We had a crew briefing yesterday and we are ready to go!

I will keep all of you posted!Align Center

